Farmers killed in the bones of Kosti and Voden will be compensated next week – News


Next week will begin to pay compensation for the owners of the animals killed for the plague in the villages of Kosti and Voden, said Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Rumen Porozhanov during parliamentary examination today.
1398 goats and sheep, belonging to 21 farmers and 538 animals belonging to 7 farmers, were destroyed in the villages of Voden and Kosti – outbreaks of plague. Under the Veterinary Products Act, the amount of livestock profits is determined at market prices for the month preceding the onset of illness. The compensation for the animals of the tribe is considered "birth-related", for sheep under selection control, the badessment is individual for each animal and the average price is 225 leva. For sheep that are not under selection control, the badessment is by regulation and will not be less than 150 leva, informs Porozhanov. It also depends on animal books, he said.
Peste des petits ruminants is a viral disease in sheep and goats, but it is not dangerous for humans. The disease is transmitted mainly through direct contact with animals and spreads to new territories, mainly through the movement of infected animals. The incubation period varies from one to three weeks. In areas where it first appears, it usually circulates at high temperature, acute form around 40-41 degrees with pneumonia, weight loss, and a high percentage and death, explained Minister Porozhanov in response to the question
Rumen Porozhanov said that the source of the infection and the mechanism of contamination have not yet been established. According to him, it is very likely that the owner does not comply with biosecurity measures on livestock farms or that it is illegal to exchange animals. Bulgarian Food Safety Agency is taking steps to fight and control the disease in accordance with European legislation, said Porozhanov. He informed that the situation was discussed on July 5 between the branch and the relevant state institutions and that decisions were made to compensate farmers affected by the problem
Farmers from the affected municipalities – Yambol and Bourgas, who have been compensated for the minimum amount of 25 BGN for ewes and goats on the basis of unrealized milk at an average market price with de minimis aid, were also decided yesterday. This amount is the reason for the controversy with the shepherding demonstrators who wanted 40 leva, said Porozhanov. This, he says, is unrealistic and the MAF will not give up, he said.
Farmers waiting for a ban on selling milk for a week in the Yambol, Straldzha and Tulcha regions will be compensated BGN 7 per number of animals. They will also receive de minimis aid of $ 7 per animal
For direct payments in the event of force majeure, farmers who are candidates for programs of direct payments with euthanized animals should inform the Agricultural Fund within 15 days of the event, explained Rumen Porozhanov.
Applicants for the tied support scheme for sheep and goats in mountain areas and for selection control may also apply for badistance from the SFA

Source: Sofia

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