Photoshop finally comes to life on your iPad in 2019


It has never been clear why Adobe has paid more attention to iPad, given the popularity of the tablet in creative communities. One possible explanation is that before the appearance of iPad Pro the development of software using relatively modest hardware would have constituted a serious investment. The company has launched several apps for the device, but none of them looks like the full desktop version of Photoshop. But now it will be corrected

Knowing the company's plans, Adobe will announce the full version of Photoshop for the iPad at its annual Max conference, and then it will be available to consumers at one time uncertain next year The tablet version is part of the "new interlaced rebirth of Photoshop", as claimed by the company.

In the meantime, if you are looking for an alternative to Photoshop for iOS such applications really do. You can easily try Photoshop Express, Photoshop Lightroom, Photoshop Mix or Photoshop Fix, although you know that they do not offer the same functionality as the original baptism

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