Sports | Eden Azar hinted that he could leave Chelsea


  Eden Azar hinted that he could leave

© Reuters

Belgian footballer and Englishman Eden Azar Chelsea have probably played his last match for the London Blue. The captain of the Red Devils has hinted that he could leave the team at Stamford Bridge just after his country won the bronze medals at the World Cup

Real (Madrid) has long followed the situation with Azar, and after the transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo in Juventus, the champion of Europe needs a new star in his attack

"After six great years in Chelsea, maybe that's not the case. it's time to do something different, I can decide if I want to stay or leave, but Chelsea's final decision, Azar said after the fight with England.

The captain of Belgium explained

Last week, in an interview with Bein Sports, Azar revealed his sympathy for Real, that the team's white jersey is special and that each player dreams of playing for the Madrid team

The Belgian went to Chelsea for 32 million pounds of Lille Lille in 2012. He helped the Blues to win the Premier League title twice, being a major player to Jose Mourinho and Antonio Conte. Azar scored exactly 300 matches for Chelsea, scoring 89 goals and giving 75 badists.

The footballer also played very well at the World Cup, where he was largely responsible for third place in Belgium. Azar scored three goals, including one in third place with England, and also gave four badists.

Saturday's Chelsea has a new manager after Maurizio Sari replaced the bag of Antonio Conte. The blues have already caught their first new player – Georginio of Naples.

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