Finding: Lost Scenario of Stanley Kubrick After Decades – Curious


Lost A script written by Stanley Kubrick in 1956 on the book "Fire Secret by Stephen Zweig, was found over 60 years later at Bangor University "It's incredible – all thought this scenario was lost forever ," said Nathan Abrams, a university expert.] See which movies are better than books [19659003] Kubrick worked on the scenario of the adaptation "Fire Secret" with the American writer Colder Willingham, with whom the pro (19659004) Top 10 best Hollywood movies of all time

The script is ready and a movie can be filmed on it.

  Stanley Kubrick

Gulliver / Getty Images

Stanley Kubrick is one of the most famous directors of the second half of the twentieth century . He shot films in different genres "[2001]: Space Odyssey," Lolita ", Dr. Strandzhalov, or How I stopped dreaming and loved the atomic bomb," Clockwork Orange "", "The eyes are closed."

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