Vladimir Putin will not get rid of Europe for the United States, a breakthrough in Helsinki is unlikely


Moscow. On July 13, the second leg of Donald Trump's European tour began. He arrived in the United Kingdom where thousands of protesters, including Theresa May, and preparations for the meeting with Vladimir Putin were waiting for him, wrote in the 19459005 edition of the Russian magazine "Expert" in material without editorial intervention. The journalists were waiting too. They expected a scandal that was no less than during the first stage (when Trump was in Brussels, blackmailing NATO and saying that Germany was under the control of Russia). Because the American president came to a prime minister with whom he did not even want to talk (he called her "professor"). And to that, the visit itself went through an extremely nervous context – the people of London organized mbadive protest actions, walking the streets with posters and other mocking trump.

He seemed to start justifying their expectations. Trump gave an interview with The Sun, in which he spoke extremely brusquely for Theresa May. He said that he explained to the British Prime Minister how Breckitt should do, and she did not listen to him, and now he can only be angry with himself. He adds that a so sweet Breckit (which, according to London plans, must leave Britain in the EU's free trade zone) can not be a special trade agreement. Finally, in a sort of icing on the cake, he pointed out Boris Johnson (a supporter of Hardy Breckit, who resigned as Foreign Minister and said May's plan turns the United Kingdom into a European colony ) as a "wonderful prime minister". 19659003] Liberals on both sides of the Atlantic immediately began to draw criticism from the White House host. Former US ambbadador to the EU, Anthony Gardner, described Trump as "an unprecedented attack on an ally during a state visit". The journalists were dismayed that Trump had blown up the "mother of all the bombs for Breckit", at a time when Mae was in the midst of a critical crisis in his own party, and the chair beneath it was threatening to shake

. fears, after the Donald Trump talks gone from anger to pity. Of course, he did not apologize, but at a joint press conference he was trying to iron out the impressions of the interview with The Sun. "That would have done everything you did – the essential thing is to be able to trade with each other," said the US president. Of course, he was extremely generous with compliments. "She has faced many people, I prefer to have such a man among her friends as among the enemies, and in general, in the words of the US head of state, she is" a gorgeous woman who makes good job. "Mae herself did not want to attack Trump for the interview and remember the evil.

This good behavior can be explained very simply – and Trump and Mae had to demonstrate their unity
The President of the United States thinks in the first place of his future meeting with Vladimir Putin, as May has rightly stated, "we have agreed that we must come closer to Russia from the point of view of force and strength. # 39; unity. " If Trump pbaded for Putin as a terrible child in the Western world (and even worse, as an isolated leader), it would weaken his already strong bargaining positions. This would not allow him to exchange discounts from the Kremlin host. For example, on the Syrian question

that is why Trump demonstrates his special relationship with the most rusophobic country of those European countries involved in decision-making. Demonstration of understanding and even consensus (for example, nodding when Teresa May speaks of "the expulsion of 60 Russian spies from the United States", although they all know that Trump was deceived by his advisers). This must show Putin that he will not get any cuts from the Americans for free

Mae needed a demonstration of unity with Trump, not about the talks with Vladimir Putin, but on a very difficult dialogue with continental Europe. We remind you that the European Commission on the British plan extremely cold for Breckitt and asked London either to remain entirely in the area of ​​free movement of all market agents (goods, services, people and capital) or to have them. get out completely. There is very little time left for discussions (about three months) and in Brussels, perhaps, they are betting that London will make concessions because it will be afraid of the unconditional automatic Breskit, interruption of connections with the continent . Teresa May has to show in Brussels that she is not afraid of Breckit without an agreement. And to show that this is possible by concluding a US-American commercial treaty that will largely offset the losses suffered by the UK following a divorce with the European Union. "This agreement will lead to a reduction in tariffs, the development of gold standards in financial cooperation and will give the two most developed economies in the world the opportunity to develop new technologies," said Prime Minister British Minister

. Trump and May have benefited from this visit. The British prime minister strengthened his position in the country and the Brussels elite, and Trump, after drinking tea with the British queen, retired to his Scottish mansion to prepare for the meeting with Putin. In the words of the US President, this meeting "will be the lightest of all". Well, let's see …

Translation and Publishing: Ivan Hristov

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