The accused Adil Rami did not appear once in the match but was among the most active at the celebration of France's world title. After Luzhnyki's final, he announced that he was retiring from the national team and shared his emotions after his career success
"World Champion?" It is incredible, I would never have imagined In France there is a lot of misunderstanding about us who are foreign to us but I am a Frenchman of Moroccan origin and I am proud of it I always wanted to see people in France as happy as they are now I love France This country deserves such success, "said Rami.
"Today, everyone celebrates because world champion in the most popular sport in the world is not easy, too much loss and too much work is needed", adds Olympian Marseille
Rami has a connection with the American bad bomb Pamela Anderson and is expected to get married soon
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