The Fall of Ilon Musk –


In the last days and weeks, Ilon Musk's smile has disappeared. The billionaire seems to worry, and the defectors, until recently his supporters, compete to blame him. As a result, Tesla shares fell 3.5% at the beginning of the week.

A few days ago, Muk talked about rescuing children in a Tallland cave. He personally went to his home with his mini-gunner and some divers ready to help if necessary.

But the team that was already in place managed to make students alive and healthy without the billionaire's toy. And Musk's desire to be of use with his technology was defined as by an action [1] of one of the saviors – the British Vernon Nansworth

<img src = "" alt = "Source: Source: Facebook / SpaceX Unofficial

Apparently, he did not appeal to the billionaire, and the answer supported a huge black spot on his reputation. Mssk called this same savior "pedo" (shortened by a pedophile) in his tweed [19659002] Then it was obvious that he had done a lot of silly things, but it was too late because Nansworth had warned the insulting statement in his address, writes Reuters And so, by a hero, ready for the exploits, Mush collapses quickly to the position of the big loser

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all this – in the context of the enormous production difficulties of Tesla Model 3 in recent months, which also managed to land billionaires with dreams that do not fit into our planet . , b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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