Microsoft controls Alan Wake, the Quantum Break suites



Microsoft essentially blocks Alan Wake and Quantum Break sequels, the developer Remedy Games said

"Considering our history … Alan Wake was really interesting but it was a collaboration with Microsoft. " Quantum Break we also put a lot of effort into creating the world, the characters, the stories. , but still it was Microsoft IP. They decided not to go further. If we owned the intellectual property, it's up to us to decide how we create it, how we develop it, what creative decisions we make?

"And maybe someday in the future, if it succeeds, it's again in our hands to decide what will be done." It was important to us. 19659004] Remedy learned his lesson with Control his upcoming title announced at E3 2018.

Virtala said that Control is "a new" We can create Excellent games, but the type of games we do with a world and immersive characters, memorable stories – these are typically basic elements in any entertainment business. for franchises that could live a long time, "said Virtala." And now, for the second time, we were in a position where we had done all this basic work and then there was no possibility to continue those stories … we did not want to face it again. "

Let's move on to Microsoft About Alan Wake 2 eh?

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