The legend of Zorro revives the Tsarevets fortress on July 21


July 18, 2018 | 22:03 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: Municipal Tourism Agency

  Veliko Tarnovo: The legend of Zorro brings the Tsarevets fortress to life on July 21 Photo: Tsarevgrad Tarnov Municipal Tourist Board – Veliko Tarnovo

Legendary story of Zorro, for the fight of good against evil, will live on the fortress of Tsarevets in Veliko Tarnovo on July 21, the municipal tourist agency "Tsarevgrad Turnov" announced . As part of the 2018 "Stage of the Ages" summer festival, the Varna State Opera will present its first musical at 9:00 pm on July 21st.
The inspiring music of Gipsy Kings and the additional orchestrations, compositions and arrangements of John Cameron turn the show into the dramatic story of the romantic hero Zorro. The musical conquered audiences with unusual performances, spectacular sword fights, sumptuous costumes, incredible waterfalls and the warm rhythms of traditional flamenco
The main role of Diego de la Vega in Tsarevets will be played by Nikolay Dimitrov and the young opera singer Veliko Turnovo Maria Pavlova will debut in front of the public in her hometown as a favorite of Zorro Louisa Poulido. The characters of Ramon and Gypsies will be Neycho Petrov and Kalina Zhekova
The production of the musical is by Petko Bonev and the conductor is Stratsimir Pavlov The choreography of Zorro is performed by Stefan Nikolov and Stanislava Tomova, scenography and costumes – Asya Stoimenova and 3D Mapping Polina Gerasimova
The first Bulgarian Opera Festival "Scene of the Centuries" continues on July 27 with the musical "Crypto-Understended Civilization" by Dobri Voynikov at the Konstantin Kisimov-Veliko Tarnovo Musical and Dramatic Theater. The following headlines in the musical forum poster are: August 3 – the opera "Lud Gidia", production of the State Opera – Rousse; August 11 – the opera "Gioconda" at the Theater and Music Production Center of Varna and Aida at the Burgas Opera on August 18. On September 5, at the Palace of Tsarevets, the Opera de Rousse will present the musical "The Man of La Mancha" and the festival will end on September 15 at the Veliko Tarnovo Summer Theater with the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" in the ballet Arabesque
After each show as a gift to the public will be broadcast the audio-visual show "Tsarevgrad Turnov-sound and light"
"The Age Scene" 2018 takes place under the patronage of the Minister of Culture, Mr. Boil Banov. The winner of this prestigious event is the municipality of Veliko Tarnovo, this year's edition of the prestigious label "Europe at Festivals, Festivals of Europe" 2018-2019
Tickets for the shows are available on the Internet at and at the Tourist Information Center at 5 Hristo Botev Street in Veliko Tarnovo

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