Radio Free Europe returns to Bulgaria and Romania


Free Europe Radio announced its intention to start broadcasting news for Bulgaria and Romania in order to "strengthen the media environment" in both countries. "We hope that our reports, prepared by local journalists, will contribute to the development of the free press, contribute to democratic values ​​and institutions and encourage the development of democratic values ​​and institutions," BTA said in a statement. Press. conduct an informed debate in both countries on their place in NATO, the EU and other Western organizations, and we look forward to working in partnership with local independent media and civil society " said Thomas Kent, president of Free Europe

. Governments, civil society and journalists in both countries are worried that misinformation, corruption and social divisions are undermining their political system, the report says.

From December 2018, the media will publish multimedia reports and badyzes in Bulgarian and Romanian. language and will badociate with local media to encourage reporting to the public and to denounce false news

"Free Europe" returns to the two Balkan countries after ending its problem for the Bulgaria in 2004, one in Romania in 2008

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