Drivers in Austria no longer have to be able to do their theoretical test in Turkish announced the Ministry of Transport on 21 July.
The change must occur in a few days.
On close of 300,000 theoretical tests conducted last year in Turkish were 3,631 – 1.2% of the total.
Ministries the new coalition government of the Austrian government, belonging to the far-right Party, declared that it was too expensive to maintain a test conducted for a relatively small percentage of trainee drivers
In Austria, there are approximately 196,000 people of Turkish origin, including 117,000 Turkish citizens
"Any other language the study cost the state a five-figure amount that is not justified, "said Transport Minister Norbert Hoffer. [196590015] The exams will continue to be conducted in English, Croatian and Slovenian, Norbert Hofer said. f (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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