Qualcomm has officially confirmed that it has successfully developed the first antenna supporting 5G networks, which will be the location of the first smartphones equipped with this technology. The new chip is called QTM052 and is optimized to work with the Qualcomm X50 modem. If all goes as planned, devices that use this component may appear in the first half of 2019. Qualcomm will therefore try to outperform its competitors in the smartphone market.
The new product of the company is an important step in the promotion of 5G smartphones in the world. Until now, the biggest problem has been how to eliminate signal interference when creating a small chip with technology support. Qualcomm discovers how to put an end to this problem and will be one of the most active brands in promoting 5G in the mobile industry. Consumers can expect much higher Internet speeds than 4G networks. CNet reported.
The Qualcomm QTM052 is based on beamforming technology and uses mmWaves waves to allow the sending of the signal within a radius of 200 meters without external factors influencing the flow of information. Taka makes sure that people, cars, buildings, trees and other objects can not resist streaming and impair its quality. Smartphones equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon X50 modem will be released in early 2019 and will feature the logo of all major Android manufacturers
More from Digtal: The first 5G smartphones will actually be in 2019.
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