The oldest letter in a bottle is "back" at home – Curious – News about lifestyle, style, diets, fashion


A letter found in a bottle found in Australia 132 years after being placed in the ocean was delivered by a discoverer to a museum in Hamburg

The letter dates from June 12, 1886 and is part of 39, a large-scale German experiment. which lasted 69 years and includes thousands of bottles of messages thrown into the ocean. The goal was to trace the ocean currents and find the fastest trade routes.

The bottle was found in the dunes of the Isle of Wagge, about 180 kilometers north of Perth, Western Australia

of gin was thrown across the German steamer Paula while sailing through the Indian Ocean 950 kilometers from the Australian coast

Each message from the experience recorded the ship's coordinates, his name, and the date on which he was thrown across the board of directors . The text on the other side of the article explains in detail the purpose of the letter, and whoever discovers it should record the coordinates and date of the search before returning the bottle and letter to the letter. Hamburg Federal Maritime Observatory or the nearest German Consulate

The German commercial sailing ship Paula in 1880, painted by artist Edward Adam. Photo: Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum-Unterweser

Opened at the end of January, the letter was found for the first time since 1934 and is for the moment the last of a total of 663 messages found in different parts of the world and returned to


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