Ryanair prepares layoffs for strike leaders


  Ryanair prepares layoffs for striking civil servants

Europe's largest low-cost airline, Ryanair, is experiencing a historic crisis. Mbadive strikes of pilots and cabin crew, unprecedented loss of revenue and thousands of disgruntled pbadengers are the stalemate base for Irish society

Officials in Italy, Spain, Portugal and in Belgium announced Wednesday and Thursday that they would not board planes. Pilots based in Dublin have started a 24-hour strike – the third in the last two weeks. The protests led to the cancellation of 600 flights across Europe. More than 100,000 pbadengers are affected by the summer holidays. The company has warned people to check online for detailed travel information

Reuters argues that the main obstacle to resolving the crisis is the lack of dialogue between the carrier and the unions. The airline has warned against dismissals. If our reputation for reliability is affected, the layoffs, for example, in Dublin are a consequence that must be regretted. That's what Peter Beliu, director of operations of the company, said. Employees in turn insist on higher wages and permanent employment contracts

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