Denuvo Anti-hacking tech Cracker arrested in Bulgaria


PC gamers are all aware of Denuvo, a tamper-proof technology used by game publishers to prevent hackers. Although perceived as unbreakable, he recently met his equivalent in the form of Voksi, a Bulgarian hacker credited with revitalizing the Denuvo cracking scene. And where Denuvo's anti-piracy technology failed, she used the long arm of the law to keep her technology unscathed. Working with the Bulgarian authorities, Voksi was arrested.

"It's finally happened," Voksi said on Reddit. "I can not say that it was not planned, Denuvo filed a lawsuit against me with the Bulgarian authorities, the police came yesterday and took the server PC and my personal PC, I had to go to the police eventually and explain.The day I contacted Denuvo themselves, I offered them a peaceful solution to this problem, they can not say anything specific, but they have said that the last word came back to the prosecutor of my case. "

That said, Voksi

" Unfortunately, I will no longer be able to do what I did, I did what I've done it for you guys and of course because the inflated software in our games should not be allowed at all. Maybe someone else can continue my fight, "continues his post.

The fact that Denuvo had to do everything to protect himself is amusing. is not as good as the one that has been announced and has already been invoked by consumers to be invasive.

Unless a game is sold on GOG, PC gamers do not have the option of a DRM-free version. At a time when a vocal base of players often mocks and boycots games based on the type of DRM – looking at you , Denuvo – some developers hold firm to his weapons and go forward with the implementation of the DRM

some developers [and] some of them said that the numbers on Kickstarter for the version without DRM [of games] their backers are single digit, "says the founder of Nodding Heads and Concept Main ur Avichal Singh at Gadgets 360 in a previous interview Even though it seems that people are asking for it, we have not even received more than ten messages asking for it. We agreed to make that decision. It was scary because you do not want to give your EXE to someone and we do not know what will happen. This could hurt you later, which is why we did not do it. "

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