Canalys: Apple shows the top of the Q2 chart, the LTE model helps operators to retain users


Deliveries do not necessarily give a complete picture of sales, but a new Cbadys smartwatch expedition report suggests that Apple Watch has maintained its world-leading position for the second quarter of 2018. There is also a surprise: The model is popular, and even helping some carriers retain their customers.

According to Cbadys, Apple was the world leader in smartwatch shipments during the quarter, rising from 30% to 3.5 million units. Still, its total market share dropped from 43% to 34% while its rivals, including Fitbit and Garmin, managed their returns, targeting "distinct customer segments" with new products. game, "but the competition is clearly not close to the end." Today 's report suggests that the "stellar" work of Apple' s competitors has led the category to more than 10 million quarterly global sales units, up sharply from the previous quarter, but below the 2017 holiday record.

Cbadys noted that about 60 percent was the LTE version of the Apple Watch Series 3. That was enough to make the cell model "the best smartwatch in Asia" for the quarter., said Cbadys, which was to say the least unexpected: the materials aside, the LTE model is the most expensive version of Apple, and the only one that requires a monthly service fee after the initial purchase, not to mention its limited time

It is said that the popularity of the LTE model comes from the agreements Apple with Asian cellular operators, who are willing to sell the mo to generate additional revenue from data – as we retain "high value" customers who might otherwise leave because of fierce competition. Until now, there was not much evidence that wearables could handcuff customers to carriers, but Cbadys suggests that the strategy is working even with premium customers in India, where Apple is struggling to gain market share on the iPhone. for Apple. Cbadys says that the threat from competitors is increasing as they realize economies of scale through quarterly shipments of one million units while adding new core, coaching features. and mapping to attract potential Apple Watch customers. He also believes that new watches Samsung and Google will enter the market, leaving Apple the need to win both replacements and new customers.

The Apple Watch Series 4 is expected to come out in September, improving existing model screens, battery and health functionality. A new Samsung Galaxy watch is also expected to debut in the very near future, with features similar to those of older Gear devices.

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