Battlefield 5 Major Mode will be playable at launch after all (Update)


Update: EA revised the blog post, which contained out-of-date information, to now say that Big Operations will be available at launch. The original story below is therefore outdated.

Original story: EA released a reminder of the Battlefield 5 multiplayer modes (fix: this was posted last month, not recently), starting with replacing BF1's multi-match operations mode. Major Operations will see the teams battle each other over several "days" of play across different modes, including Airborne (a team jumps off planes) and the final Respawnless Stand. But not right now. According to the post, Grand Operations is coming shortly after the launch.

The other mode that will not be available at launch is the Royal Battle Mode, which just had a moment of step to the E3. I would expect that there is a decent wait for that one (especially since DICE does not even have a logo to display), but Grand Operations has already been played during preview events, so I would bet that 'soon' really means soon in this case. I'm speculating, but DICE will probably deploy it after the initial launch, take or take the time to smooth out the issues.

I like the Operations and Major Operations modes in principle, but I'm always more than happy to play the old Conquest when launching a new Battlefield. I found the Conquest version of BF1 defective for a few reasons, so I'm glad BF5 has scrapped monsters and the new scoring system in favor of more clbadic rules.

To learn more, here are some of the improvements on BF1 we ​​found in the first Battlefield 5 alpha. There will be an open beta in September and you can try it for yourself, and Battlefield 5 will be launched on October 19th, about a week or so earlier if you are a member of Origin Access.

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