Bulgaria | Buyers will be able to check online if the car has already been violated


Vladimir Savov

© Nadezhda Chipeva, capital

Vladimir Savov

When buying a car, citizens will be able to check online if their former owner has committed serious offenses that make his liability insurance more onerous. This is one of the options to solve one of the most controversial problems of the draft regulation on the introduction of the bonus-malus system, announced the Vice-President of the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), Vladimir Savov, in front of the BBC.

Yesterday, the commission presented its ideas for the implementation of the system, which aims to encourage disciplined drivers and punish entrepreneurs at risk. Details read here.

Savov said that the check is now possible in the insurer's registration number guarantee fund and that it will now appear on the chbadis number of the car that should be known to the prospective buyer. .

"When there is an opportunity to easily transfer the car to a connected person, if it leads to the removal of the penalty, and that it (the former owner) continues to be reckless, the system "No sense," explained Savov explaining the idea of ​​insuring the insurer not only with the driver but and the car. "It's up to the driver and the owner to think about who it is because everyone can legally hand over the keys and documents to everyone," he added.

Another possible option is when the car sells the malus to "buy back" from the seller, "somehow clears," Savov said.

When asked to comment on another controversial situation, namely that the bonus-malus system would not apply to state cars and municipal cars, the FSC representative explained that this would only apply to the administration, but not to state and municipal corporations.

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