A Croatian footballer rushes to Russia to greet Ukraine, FIFA judged "Solomon"


Croatian footballer Domagoji Vida, who after the victory of Ukraine on Russia at the World Cup hosted Ukraine, will not be withdrawn from the championship – a request for its withdrawal was made by the country of the Russian Football Federation.

Vida is a former player of Kiev's "Dynamo". After winning the Croatian quarter-finals, he broadcast a video saying that he dedicated his victory to "Dynamo" and to Ukraine by "exclamating" [19459004GlorytoUkraine ".

This provoked a violent indignation among the Russians who asked FIFA to ban Vida from participating in the semifinal against England for "l & rsquo; # 39; insult ". 19659002] Meanwhile, the footballer said that he had made a gesture to his former Dynamo team and that the Croatian federation said that he was grateful to the Ukrainians for their support to the Croatian team

. ] FIFA sent a warning to a Croatian national but refused to remove it

[19459003 motives Solomon's decision nor the justification of the party Russian

the two Croats did not offend the qualifications and did not even mention Russia and the Russians.

On the other hand, FIFA does not tolerate political speeches. But officially, Moscow denies being at the origin of the conflict in the east of Ukraine. Thus, it is unclear on what basis the Russian side baderts that there is an offensive political context and why it considers that the respect of a third party is reprehensible

During this time, the president of the Ukrainian Football Federation, Andrei Pavelko, "

" The footballer, who has long defended the honor of "Dynamo" and lived in the Ukrainian capital in a very difficult time for our country, has a lot of friends and fans who deserve the respect of the country that he has been playing for years. dedicate a fraction of their sentence to them. "- comments Pavelko

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