A son of the head of the Islamic State was killed in Syria


The head of "Islamic State" Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his alleged son

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The head of "Islamic State" Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his alleged son


The son of Jihadist Islamic leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was murdered in Homs in central Syria, an agency close to the group and quoted by DPA.

"The son of the caliph, Hudaifah al-Badri, an operation against Nusayriyah (a word that is generally referred to as the Syrian regime's loyal forces to President Bashar Assad) and against the Russians near the thermal power plant in Homs, Nashir reported

The agency uploaded a photo of a boy with a rifle and a military uniform, but no details are given when the son of Al-Baghdadi was killed

In 2014, Al Bagdadi announced in the Great Mosque Al Nuri Mosul created a caliphate covering vast territories of Syria and Iraq.He considers himself a direct heir to the Prophet Muhammad and claims to be the title of the head of all the Muslims of Halifax

.Islam said last month that he had killed at least 45 extremists from an air strike in the Syrian city of Hajjin. of the F-16 hit at a summit meeting of the leaders of the l & # 3 9; ID on Syrian territory. Among the murdered terrorists was also appointed Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi's envoy to the meeting, but no further details were provided

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