After the deadly floods, Japan is under the blows of a typhoon – World


A powerful typhoon strikes the night against Sunday the eastern coast of Japan between Nagoya and Osaka forcing the authorities to order evacuations in a catastrophic flood

Typhoon Jongdari coupled with winds at a speed of 180 km / h, developed on the high seas, reached Japanese territory in Izhe, Mie Prefecture, reported national television.

About 150 flights were canceled in Japan because of the typhoon
The stighu, which has already caused heavy rains in eastern Japan, is moving westward, retaining its strength, according to data from the Japanese Meteorological Bureau. The television showed high waves breaking on the shores of the coast at Shimoda, southwest of Tokyo, as well as aircraft encountering landing difficulties due to strong gusts of wind

– Channel NewsAsia ( @ChannelNewsAsia) July 28, 2018

Japan struck by disasters prepares for a powerful typhoon [TheAgencyKyodoasignalé a missing person in Kaganah prefecture , near Tokyo after several vehicles, including an ambulance, remained stranded on a wave-struck coastal road

The authorities of Kobar, in western prefecture of d Hiroshima ordered to evacuate approximately 36,400 local residents

More than 410 domestic flights have been canceled so far due to the approach of the typhoon, and ferry connections between Tokyo and neighboring islands have been suspended due to high waves.

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