All Turkey rents wedding photographer, bereaved bride – Curious – News about lifestyle, style, diets, fashion


Turkish photographer Onur Albiyrak beat a young groom and tried to stop the marriage after realizing that the bride was a minor. Social network users strongly approve of the photographer's action and call him a hero, reports PetaPixel.

Onur told reporters that the husband came to see him in the studio to order a wedding photo shoot. But the photographer saw the bride until the ceremony. The girl looked very frightened and Onur suspected that something was wrong

"I saw the bride, she was a child and she felt her fear, she was shaking" says Onur Albaicar. The photographer asked the groom how old his fiance was, and he confessed that she was 15 years old. So Onur was adamant that she would not continue filming and asked that the wedding be completed. However, the groom said the photographer had already signed a contract and should continue shooting. Onur tried to leave, but the man stumbled upon him and attacked him, resulting in a broken nose

The situation quickly gained popularity in the Turkish press, and users of social networks immediately sided with the photographer. Onur badures that he is not a supporter of scandals and violence, but if he does, he will remake it

"The wives of the children are victims of an attitude cruel and there is no power to make me take a wedding dress ". The minimum age of marriage in Turkey is 18 years and men who marry children may fall behind bars. Until now, there is no information on whether the married bride will be punished by a court.


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