And Britain facing Huawei ::


<img src = "" alt = "Technology and supply chain issues with Huawei's Chinese equipment have exposed British telecommunication networks to new security risks, according to a new government report,

The badessment made in a report signed by the British intelligence agency GCHQ will boost the debate on the Spying around Huawei Technologies.The Chinese company is becoming the subject of more and more criticism in the United States and Australia, fearing that it may help the Chinese government to spy on.

report was released after sources told Reuters that they can give little badurance that Huawei's operations in the UK do not pose a threat to national security

Technical Failures of Huawei reveal new risks for UK telecoms Huawei, the world's largest telecom maker, said it welcomed the report on behalf of the Huawei Center's Supervisory Board. The badessment of cybersecurity (HCSEC), according to him, shows that surveillance of the British authorities is working well

"The report concludes that the operational independence of HCSEC is robust and effective." We are grateful for comments and we are committed to resolving these issues. "Cybersecurity remains a priority for Huawei and we will continue to actively improve our services," Huawei spokesman Huawei said. Huawei says none of its inspections has detected any vulnerabilities in its equipment, saying that it is a private company that is not under the control from the Chinese government and n (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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