Anthem PC E3 2018 4K 60FPS Gameplay used two GPU Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti in SLI


The gameplay of Anthem PC E3 2018 4K 60 FPS was pretty cool and smooth but again, it would be considered that the game worked with two Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti graphics cards in SLI. This has been confirmed by executive producer Mark Darrah. He answered a few questions regarding Anthem on Twitter and he also mentioned that although this was the case for the gameplay Anthem PC E3 2018 4K 60FPS the game will be optimized until the launch date arrives.

While the initial requirements for the game are pretty high, it should be noted that the game will be released in February 2019, so the developers have plenty of time to tweak the game and optimize it for PC. I'm sure the final version of the game will be smooth but do not take my word for it. If you have not watched the Gameplay Anthem PC E3 2018 4K 60FPS then you can come back to it in the video below:

Nvidia seems to be in the front -guard the game demonstration and it is possible that Nvidia badociates with the team in order to bring Anthem to PC. If that's the case, then you can rest badured that the game will play well on PC and as much as people compare the game to Destiny 2, I hope it works as well and optimized. Destiny 2 was designed from scratch for PC and was very well optimized for the platform. But again we expected nothing less than a game that came out on PC later, compared to the console version.

Mark Darrah also gave other ideas concerning Anthem. If you are unable to complete a fortress, you will not be able to get the loot you would have obtained. But objects that have fallen to the point that you have will always be with you even if you fail. Apart from that, he mentioned that in the free race there is nothing that keeps your team together. It potentially means that if a player is late, then you could let him die if it's something you wanted to do.

He also spoke of Anthem as a service and that there will be a difficult level boundary that will change with the pbadage of time. Stay tuned for other updates regarding Anthem and what it has to offer.

Tell us what you think about Gameplay Anthem PC E3 2018 4K 60 FPS using 2 Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti graphics cards in SLI.

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