Apple has sold less than 1 million iPhones in India in the first half of 2018: report


Apple has always had problems with sales in India. While the company started making iPhones in the country to lower prices locally, it seems like it has a long way to go, according to a report from Bloomberg : it sold less sales A million devices in the first half of 2018.

Bloomberg reports that three Apple sales managers have left the company while it restructures his activities there. It has only 2% market share in India, and in 2017, it sold 3.2 million iPhones, according to a report from Counterpoint Research. But these sales seem to have slowed down: the same report estimates that Apple has moved "less than a million devices," and even with strong sales, it will struggle to catch up with the numbers of the Last year.

India is the world's third largest market for smartphones, but its high tariffs – adding between 15 and 20% to the price – have pushed consumers to cheaper alternatives, such as Samsung. Earlier this summer, Apple began building the iPhone 6S and iPhone SE in the country – a tactic that the company hopes to help reduce the price of its phones. But it will take some time before Apple's operations start at full capacity, and in the meantime, Apple is lagging even further behind its competitors.

India could be a huge opportunity for Apple, and CEO Tim Cook said that he was going to aggressively launch into the country. The country has expanded its 4G network and has a growing middle clbad, which could mean that more people will be willing to adopt Apple's products. Despite these weak sales, Cook said in May that business receipts from India have risen, setting a record for the first half of 2018.

Updated 15th of November 2018, 2:50 PM : An earlier title accidentally omitted "in India." We regret the mistake.

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