Apple will create a clean energy fund for China for $ 300 million ::


  Apple creates a clean energy fund for China for $ 300 million

announced the establishment of a $ 300 million fund for clean energy in China with 10 of its suppliers, thus reinforcing the commitment of the technology giant in a country at a time when trade tensions between his homeland and the most important foreign market are multiplying.

The China Clean Energy Fund, which the US company and its partners will finance for four years, will invest and develop clean energy projects equivalent to more than one gigawatt of renewable energy. These investments will feed the 10 participating suppliers, including Pegatron Corp. and Wistron Corp., in which iPhone is badembled

In recent years, Apple has tried to seduce China by seeking to maintain good relations with the Chinese government and consumers. Managing Director Tim Cook, who travels regularly to the country, spoke last year at a major Chinese government conference where Apple announced investments in two research and development centers. development in Shanghai and Suzhou.

Earlier this month, the White House imposed a 25% duty on Chinese imports of $ 34 billion and plans another $ 16 billion later this month. China responded with 545 products, including agricultural

The trade war puts Apple in a difficult position. The company badembles most of its iPhone phones in China and imports them to the United States, which, according to badysts, accounts for about 30% of the total $ 229 billion business. Meanwhile, China has become one of the largest markets, accounting for about 20% of total sales.

Apple's fears are that the Chinese government could find ways to delay the approval of customs products by Apple against the company. "With the intensification of the commercial battle, Apple has to worry about it," said Mary Lovli, professor of economics at Syracuse University, quoted by The Wall Street Journal.

China's Fund for Clean Energy Enrolled in Apple's Ongoing Efforts to Reduce The Company announced in April that it had reached its 10-year goal: its facilities The global markets are exclusively powered by renewable energy sources, including stores, offices, data centers and data centers. as well as its new headquarters in Cupertino, California

The investment also fits in with the Chinese government's goal of giving priority to renewable energies in order to reduce its reliance on energy efficiency. Regarding ecological coal and respond to public concerns

The fund will be managed by DWS group of Deutsche Bank AG, which will also invest in this fund, said Apple. The largest supplier of Foxconn Technology Group for its iPhone, however, is not involved in the program

The intention to invest is another example of how Apple uses its large liquidity to support public interests in key markets. Since May, the company has allocated $ 5 billion to a modern production fund that supports production in the United States. The company faces serious criticism during Donald Trump's presidential campaign for the outsourcing of iPhone manufacturing in factories in China

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