Army euphoria: CSKA found a Brazilian golfer


CSKA is about to attract 23-year-old forward Michel Douglas from Brazil's second division Algoano. The local media segundos 7 announced the news, confirmed by the president of the club, Raimundo Tavares. The information indicates that Douglas has already accepted the red proposal and all details have been agreed.

The army will have to pay Algbado's chess compensation and Douglas will break his contract with the Brazilians and then initiate with grand native, writes "Sports Theme". The striker played for the last time Friday while he was the champion of the 2-0 win over Brazil's Pelotas in Serie B.

Since the beginning of the year, Douglas has 14 games and 5 goals in the second division, 12 other matches and two goals in Algano and Kopa Norddeys. There are two matches of Brazil Cup, one in São Paulo 0-2. So in 2018, Douglas played 28 games and scored 7 goals. He is in good shape.

Douglas helped CSA Algano move from third to second division. His team became a Series C champion, and Mitchell had 22 games and 8 goals in the league. Total Alonso has recorded 50 matches, 15 goals and 5 badists since May 2017.

He is a young Portuguese who played in the Brazilian elite in 2013 – 6 games and 1 goal against Nauctico. He was then part of Atletico Sorocaba, Boa Esporte, Villa Nova and Bruce. The magazine recalls that CSKA has attracted its star Fernando Carranga of the second Brazilian division.

Michel Douglas Gedes was born on January 16, 1992. He is 186 cm tall and weighs 78 kg. A typical taran, his strong foot is the left, he plays well with his head. He has a powerful physique that helps protect the world and gain the benefit of air combat. (1969009)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function) {n.callMethod?
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