Attention, new rules! All holidaymakers in Greece today have a great fine for them if they can afford … "" Blitz


Fine 50 euros and driving license countdown for 30 days everyone naughty driving a car with flip flops in Greece since today. The police have made the decision to impose fines on those who drive flip flops for road safety, especially during the summer of the year when traffic is high, reports "Bulgarian News. "

We recall that if you trapped in flip flops behind the wheel in France will be fined 90 euros. In Spain, the fine is even more serious – 200 EUR.

According to the art. 18 of the Road Traffic Act in Spain – the driver is obliged to drive with comfortable clothes and shoes. It is forbidden to wear clothes or shoes which would hinder his freedom of movement, limit his movements or create a danger while driving

Including wearing slippers, slippers or other types of boots. been open which can lead to slip from the shoe or to the driver's foot or even to the hitch of the vehicle is prohibited

In Spain if the traffic police stops you to check and finds that your clothes are not in accordance with the Road Traffic Act, you could be fined 8 0 EUR

It is also forbidden to drive your car with earphones connected to devices or receivers or for sound reproduction

If the front pbadenger seat, next to you, climbed his feet on the dashboard or showed you through the glbad of the car, you risk being fined 200 .

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