Austria will not meet Turkish pilots in Austria


Drivers in Austria no longer have to be able to do their theoretical test in Turkish announced the Ministry of Transport on 21 July.

The change must occur in a few days.

On close of 300,000 theoretical tests conducted last year in Turkish were 3,631 – 1.2% of the total.

Ministries the new coalition government of the Austrian government, belonging to the far-right Party, declared that it was too expensive to maintain a test conducted for a relatively small percentage of trainee drivers

In Austria, there are approximately 196,000 people of Turkish origin, including 117,000 Turkish citizens

"Any other language the study cost the state a five-figure amount that is not justified, "said Transport Minister Norbert Hoffer. [196590015] The exams will continue to be conducted in English, Croatian and Slovenian, Norbert Hofer said. f (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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