Azis scandalizes the net for his father


Azis made another fury among the fans of the chalga. His new hit "Gypsy" turned out to be a blow because the singer himself was of Roma origin and it was based on a personal motivational song.
Azis' latest hit, "Gypsy", which again caused a scandal, was inspired by his father.

Years ago, the father of the folk singer wrote the book "We were … Gypsies". It's printed in small print, but almost every Kostinbrod owns it. Now Troyan Boyanov has renewed the seal and its distribution in the city. The book tells of the difficult life of his family and how often they have been expelled from society. Despite expectations, there are no personal stories about Azis itself, but rather a reflection on how to integrate Gypsies.

The folk singer announced that it was the message of his new song. Azis pointed out that he had never been ashamed of his origins, but that Roma should learn to work, not to wait for everything. The parent of Asis continues to live behind high walls in his only hometown, Kostinbrod. His wife Gergina worked for years in Vienna. Azis's mother returns home for a month, then leaves, writes "Bulgaria Today".

The closest friends of Azis are strictly supervised by his son for years and he speaks little about it. Despite the immense wealth of one of the biggest stars of Indigenous showbiz, Vasko's father lives modestly. Music and writing are his pbadion in recent years. "Our whole family are musicians, Vbadil's talent is inherited," the singer's voice is proud.

Close family members say that Azis has repeatedly offered his parents a pleasant life in the capital, but they definitely refuse to leave Kostinbrod. The folk singer never hid that it was his mother and father who had given a boost to his career because they were wealthy.

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