Berbatov let criticism escape: he is not enough man


The captain of Kerala Indian Blastars Sandesh Jingang severely criticized Dimitar Berbatov and his stay in the team

Jingang spoke before the start of the new season at the local SuperLeague, explaining that he did not understand not the need of a big star. gave a chance to Indian players

As an argument against the attraction of a big star, he was using Berbatov, who certainly did not make the necessary contribution to the team [19659002] Upon leaving India, the Bulgarian used his profile on Instagram coach and coach David James

"What does a stellar purchase mean?" "A big name, is not it?" It does not bother me, but sometimes it does not happen. When we caught Aren Hughes, he was the best player. , said Ginger, quoted by Novosport

"We drew Berbatov and was not well, he was not man enough to go out and talk to the coach and publish it on Instagram If you are a man, go out and talk. "" I have nothing to comment on, he did what he had to do … Ok, come on, do what you can, do not take for him or for us.We need good players, that's all, "added the Kerala captain, optimistic for the new season

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