BGN 15.8 billion serve the business figure –


BGN 15.768 billion is the money in circulation at the end of June, reported by the NBB. For the year, they are 1.55 billion more. New installments amounting to 521 million surveys were introduced between April and June

The average banknote outstanding at the end of the second quarter is 34.90 leva, or 1.05 leva more that at the end of 2017

For one year, the value of the conditional medium banknote increased by BGN 1.60, which is why the experts noted an increase in the cuts of 50 and 100 levs and the # 2 exchange trading with iron

an outstanding coin retained its level of 0.16 BGN which was recorded end of 2017. For a period of one year, the average value one coin increased of 0.01 leva, following the penetration of the metal tweed.

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