Black Ops 4 & # 39; Multiplayer Beta

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The multiplayer beta of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 starts this weekend, here's all you need to know Credit: Treyarch

While Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 does not start until October, players wanting to get their hands on the competitive multiplayer of the game before the launch will have a chance in the next few weeks.

Activision and Treyarch launch two different beta for Black Ops 4. The first is a closed beta version for PS4 players, the second is a closed beta for PS4 and Xbox One as well as a closed / open beta combination on PC

Here's everything you need to know to participate in the action on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

When does the beta start and stop?

Beta closed on PlayStation 4:

  • Weekend 1: [1 9659009] Start: August 3 at 10 am PST
  • Ending: August 6 at 10 am PST
  • Weekend 2:
    • August 10 at 10 am PT
    • Ending: August 13 at 10 am PT
  • Xbox One closed beta:

    • Start: August 10 at 10am PT
    • End: August 13 at 10am PT

    PC closed "early access" beta:

    • Start: August 10 at 10 am PT

    Open beta PC:

    • Start: August 11 at 10 am PT
    • End: August 13 at 10 am PT [19659021] Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    How to access to the private multiplayer beta.

    The only way to have access to the private multiplayer beta – order the game either at brick-and-mortar retailers or numerically. No doubt there will also be codes available for gifts (I'll see if I can scramble and give them on Twitter @erikkain .)

    If you pre-order the game at a dealer You should receive a code directly from them that you can then redeem at You will receive another email later with instructions on how to download and play.

    We do not know yet if there will be a pre-download available and to date, it seems that the beta tokens will be sent at 10 pm. August 3 for the first beta and 10 o'clock PT on August 10 for the second beta.

    If you pre-ordered the game digitally on the PlayStation Store, Xbox One Store or (the game does not come to Steam) you will simply be able to download the beta as soon as it will be available without code.

    Note: It is possible that there is an alternative for the closed beta version of the PS4 allowing customers who have not pre-ordered. If so, we will post it here at Forbes Games

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    What other conditions are needed?

    If you're there On PS4, you probably will not need a PlayStation Plus subscription for the closed beta. However, on Xbox One, you must be a subscriber to Xbox One Live Gold.

    Other than that, as long as you have pre-ordered, you should be ready to go. With regard to the minimum PC requirements, this information still needs to be made public. If it is before the beta, I will update this post.

    You will also need an internet connection and a bit of free space on the HD of your system, but there is still a lot to see.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    Will these betas be open at any given time?

    It's impossible to say, but last year Call of Duty: WWII ] used the same terminology "private beta" and remained closed for PS4 players and Xbox One. Sometimes, these betas open after the first few days, but at this point, we have no reason to think that Black Ops 4.

    If you want to play without pre- order, PC is your best bet * unless a workaround is discovered for PS4. *

    What content will be available during the beta?

    There is actually a lot of content that arrives at Black Ops 4 multiplayer beta. Six cards, ten "specialists" and six game modes at least for beginners.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch


    • Frequency: A Secret The listening station deep in the mountainous region of the province Hunan is used to follow strategic targets around the world
    • Smuggling: The surveillance of an international smuggling arms operation discovered this hub on a distant island and unexplored.
    • Beach Coast: An anti-government demonstration in this picturesque coastal town of Spain became uncontrollable and resulted in the closure of the army.
    • Payload: A defensive ICBM launch device in the heart of an Icelandic mountain range was infiltrated by hostile forces attempting to steal a nuclear warhead
    • Hacienda
    • Gridlock

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credits: Treyarch


    Specialists Are Essentially ] the clbades of Black Ops 4 . Each has its own special powers that can be activated during the game. There are ten totals available in the MP beta.

    As Black Ops 3, there is a bit of a "hero shooter" element in Black Ops 4. You will notice a few similar specialists of Black Ops 3 in this list as well

    • Recon
    • Crash
    • Battery
    • Couple
    • Couple
    • Ruin
    • Seraphim
    • Ajax
    • Firebreak
    • Nomad
    • Prophet

    Game Modes:

    • Team Deathmatch
    • Domination
    • Hardpoint
    • Research and Destruction
    • Control

    The beta will include the Pick 10 loading system [19659069] Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Source: Treyarch

    Does the statistics go up to the full game?

    Do they ever? Once again, the statistics of the beta and any level / unlock you get during the game will not be reported at the launch of the game. The statistics that PS4 players accumulate during the Weekend 1 will be reported on the Week-end. end 2.

    You will receive rewards for your participation, which will be unlocked at the launch on October 12th.

    A Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    Blackout is the new Battle Royale mode coming to Black Ops 4. This is basically the replacement of a history campaign because it is the first Call of Duty title to launch both without a campaign and with a Battle Royale mode.

    Blackout will not be included in the private beta in August, but Activision and Treyarch teased a Blackout beta in September so stay tuned.

    Here is the trailer for MP Beta:


    Launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 October 12, 2018 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.


    Beginning of Call of Duty multiplayer beta: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    While Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 only starts up. In October, players eager to get their hands on the game Competitive multiplayer before the launch will have a chance in the next few weeks.

    Activision and Treyarch launch two different beta for Black Ops 4. The first is a closed beta for PS4 players – a closed beta for PS4 and Xbox One as well as a closed / open beta combination on PC

    Here's everything you need to know to participate in the action on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

    When does the beta start and stop?

    Beta closed on PlayStation 4:

    • Weekend 1 :
      • Start: August 3 at 10 am PT
      • End: August 6 at 10:00 PT
    • Weekend 2:
      • Date: August 10 at 10:00 PT
      • End: 13 August at 10:00 PT

    Xbox One closed beta: [19659014] Start: 10 August at 10 am PT

  • End: 13 August at 10 am PT
  • PC closed "start Access "Beta:

    • Start: August 10 at 10 am PT

    PC Open Beta:

    • Starts on: August 11 at 10 pm EST
    • End: Aug 13 at 10 pm EST [19659103] Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    How to access private multiplayer beta.

    The only way to access the private multiplayer beta is to pre-order the game either at physical retailers or digitally. No doubt there will also be codes available for gifts (I'll see if I can scramble and give them on Twitter @erikkain .)

    If you pre-order the game at a dealer You should receive a code directly from them that you can then redeem at You will receive another email later with instructions on how to download and play.

    We do not know yet if there will be a pre-download available and to date, it seems that the beta tokens will be sent at 10 pm. August 3 for the first beta and 10 o'clock PT on August 10 for the second beta.

    If you pre-ordered the game digitally on the PlayStation Store, Xbox One Store or (the game does not come to Steam) you will simply be able to download the beta as soon as it will be available without code.

    Note: It is possible that there is an alternative for the closed beta version of the PS4 allowing customers who have not pre-ordered. If so, we will post it here at Forbes Games

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    What other conditions are needed?

    If you're there On PS4, you probably will not need a PlayStation Plus subscription for the closed beta. However, on Xbox One, you must be a subscriber to Xbox One Live Gold.

    Other than that, as long as you have pre-ordered, you should be ready to go. With regard to the minimum PC requirements, this information still needs to be made public. If it is before the beta, I will update this post.

    You will also need an internet connection and a bit of free space on the HD of your system, but there is still a lot to see.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    Will these betas be open at any given time?

    It's impossible to say, but last year Call of Duty: WWII ] used the same terminology "private beta" and remained closed for PS4 players and Xbox One. Sometimes, these betas open after the first few days, but at this point, we have no reason to think that Black Ops 4.

    If you want to play without pre- order, PC is your best bet * unless a workaround is discovered for PS4. *

    What content will be available during the beta?

    There is actually a lot of content that arrives at Black Ops 4 multiplayer beta. Six cards, ten "specialists" and six modes of play at least for beginners

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch


    • Frequency: secret The listening station at the bottom of the mountainous region of Hunan province is used to follow strategic targets around the world
    • Smuggling: Monitoring an international operation Armed smuggling has discovered this hub on a distant and unexplored island.
    • Beach Coast: An anti-government demonstration in this picturesque coastal town of Spain became uncontrollable and resulted in the closure of the army.
    • Payload: A defensive ICBM launch device in the heart of an Icelandic mountain range was infiltrated by hostile forces attempting to steal a nuclear warhead
    • Hacienda
    • Gridlock

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credits: Treyarch


    Specialists Are Essentially ] the clbades of Black Ops 4 . Each has its own special powers that can be activated during the game. There are ten totals available in the MP beta.

    As Black Ops 3, there is a bit of a "hero shooter" element in Black Ops 4. You will notice a few similar specialists of Black Ops 3 in this list as well

    • Recon
    • Crash
    • Battery
    • Couple
    • Couple
    • Ruin
    • Seraphim
    • Ajax
    • Firebreak
    • Nomad
    • Prophet

    Game Modes:

    • Team Deathmatch
    • Domination
    • Hardpoint
    • Research and Destruction
    • Control

    The beta will include the Pick 10 loading system [19659151] Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    Do the statistics go up to the full game?

    Do they ever? Once again, the statistics of the beta and any level / unlock you get during the game will not be reported at the launch of the game. The statistics that PS4 players accumulate during the Weekend 1 will be reported on the Week-end. end 2.

    You will receive rewards for your participation, which will be unlocked at the launch on October 12th. These include:

    • A Beta Call Card Just for Display
    • A Permanent Unlocking Token If You Reach the Maximum Rank

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Credit: Treyarch

    Blackout is the new Battle Royale mode coming to Black Ops 4. This is basically the replacement of a story campaign because # 1 is the first Call of Duty title to launch both without a campaign and with a Battle Royale mode.

    Blackout will not be included in the private beta in August, but Activision and Treyarch teased a Blackout beta in September so stay tuned.

    Here is the trailer for MP Beta:


    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is launched on October 12, 2018 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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