Blazing Hell in Chicago, there are a lot of Bulgarians in the area! (PHOTOS / VIDEO)


A large fire rages around midnight both in the suburbs of Chicago, 25 miles from the city, near Pollux Airport, home to many of our compatriots, local media reports said. At least three buildings were burned with many flats, wounded people were wounded in hospitals, but no injuries or deaths were reported. More than 100 firefighters with firefighters from the region fought the elements that are currently under control


Frames show the huge smoke balls that are rising in the area. Firefighters have alarmed the social networks of Bulgarians living in Chicago. "Breakdown: fire in a residential complex in the suburb of Prospect Heights, where live many Bulgarians." The fire rages on the 800th Block Mcintosh Court

If you have information on our fellow citizens of the neighborhood, contact us!
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Three people were injured, Chicago media reported. More than 100 people were evacuated. Red Cross volunteers were helped to cope with the disaster. Social Campaign Campaign has already launched a campaign to raise funds for victims

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