BMW will build a factory in Hungary for 1 billion euros ::


  BMW will build a factory in Hungary for 1 billion euros

The German automotive giant BMW has announced that it would invest 1 billion euros in the construction of a plant in eastern Hungary, a project that would contribute to According to Reuters, improving the country's economy and strengthening its position as a production of advanced pbadenger cars

The new plant will be built near the town of Debbercen, some 230 km east of Budapest. The planned production capacity is 150,000 cars a year, informs BMW

This will help the German company to increase its production capacity in Europe, where BMW sells 45% of its total production

"Our new factory in Hungary will be able to produce both conventional and electric cars at the same time – all on a production line, "said Oliver Cipse, a board member of the company.

BMW joins Daimler and Audi, which also have factories in Hungary Audi has also built a large power plant that was recently launched

Automobile production represents about a third of Hungary's exports, and with BMW, it can reach 40% and even more, according to Peter Werwach, badyst at ING in Budapest

Virovach estimates that the new capacity of BMW will help partially offset the slowdown in economic growth in 2019 and 20 20 when the funds of the European Union (EU) are completed. This will attract foreign investment in the less developed region of central European country

However, the project will also strengthen Hungary's dependence on the automobile industry and thus expand its exposure to the growing influence of a possible global business cycle. sales decline

"The biggest problem surrounding this large-scale investment will be in the Hungarian labor market – it is now very difficult to find a thousand employees, let alone two years," says Vírovac [19659003] Hungary, along with other Central European countries, is facing a serious shortage of manpower partly due to mbadive emigration. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod?
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