Bombs and narcotics in the streets: battles of the Montenegrin mafia – BLITZ


Bombs, explosions, noise of ambulances. This is not a disturbing place in the Middle East, but makes it a place in western Bulgaria – Montenegro. March 2018, a relief and emergency operation in the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica

This is the sixth terrorist attack in Montenegro, where mafia clans have been competing cruelly for years

"C & # 39; is a horror, the state must react, it must do something to calm people down, "he told Deutsche Welle.

That is why the police often publish extracts of speculation where commandos invade houses and buildings, arrest suspects, confiscate

But if this shame does not mean that Montenegro can not handle the situation? It is important that the country attacks organized crime in order to be able to join the EU in 2025.

Before the appearance of the two most dangerous clans in the country, it will not be possible There were no such problems. Police bombed for the first time

Clans of bloody battles lead into the very popular coastal town of Kotor. (19659008) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {{19659008}
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