Brazilians were welcomed with stones and eggs in their home country – Football World – World Cup 2018


Brazilian players were welcomed to their home country, according to local newspapers. Extremely disappointed fans of the "selesao" of the World Cup football team in Russia, who accepted Neimar and a very hostile company

The ultimate supporters are launching the team bus with stones and eggs. 19659002] The players arrived at the Rio de Janeiro airport, where there was no excesses because of the solid guards. After boarding the bus, however, they started unreflecting women's events.

The boys of Titus were eliminated in the quarter-finals in Russia. Overpopulation was the selection of Belgium, who beat 2: 1. Thus, the "red devils" ensured a match with France in the semifinals.

We recall that the Brazilian team was the main favorite for the trophy. If successful, it would be the sixth prize in the showcase of "Sesameo". For the last time, the Coffee Party players were delighted with the 2002 World Cup. The Brazilian Federation believes in Titus

Brazilian football players want to live

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