The success Kalashnikov, performed by the Balkan megastar Goran Bregovic and his orchestra for weddings and burials, will be the traditional meeting of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) on Mount Buzludja, which will take place on 28 July .
The Kalashnikov Stroke The performance of the Balkan megastar Goran Bregovic and his orchestra for weddings and burials will be on the traditional BSP summit of Mount Buzludja, to be held this year on July 28th.
20 working groups on the preparation of Pozitano 20 have confirmed that they speak to Br but at least for the moment refuse to comment on their agreement and how much it will cost the party money.
Invitations to attend the council, where between 30 and 50,000 activists and supporters of the left party are sent to Prime Minister Macedonia Zoran Zaev and the leaders of the socialist parties of the Western Balkans, there is still nothing "black" and white "guests to arrive 3 weeks before
official host of the rally, which has been held since the summer of 1991 this summer is the district leadership but from there they admit that they are in the Total ignorance of the guests and the cultural program, their commitment was the only preparation of the bike route that will start from the city of Racho the blacksmith, will present wreaths at the Shipka Monument and lead of the head Kornelia Ninova will finish at the commemorative plaque for the Buzludzha Founding Congress of 1891. The gabolies hope that the Kazanlak Socialists will ensure that the historic meadow is cut and pulverized against ticks,
The announcement that Bregovic will rejoice the Socialists on the eve of their holidays, which, according to the status of the BSP, is August 2 springing up the spirits of left-wing sympathizers in social networks
. they are from Hosanna to Kriva Yanova (Ninova), mainly because of the amount of the tax – 150,000 euros and the costs of the private plane of the star
A regular socialist from Sliven for example wrote in FB: "300 the bonuses are the pensions of 1000 party members who will cry of pain 20 leva for the bus with which they offer them to take them to the top.A bare belly – a pair of pistols!". Another suggests that the costs would be paid by the comrades of the PES and recalls that Sergey Stanishev is still the president of the Euro-Socialists
Meanwhile, the BBC has released a 5-minute film on the Canyon Monument, which figures among the 7 most endangered monuments in Europe. For the film, Mike Korey invited photographer Kazanlak Bedros Azignan, whose father Artin Azignan fired the first stone until the official opening in 1981 and the young architect Dora Ivanova, who fought for several years to make the construction unique
At Positano 20, they did not comment on the monument that they wanted to render for several years, and when Prime Minister Borisov refused them to do it under pretext that they did not return the land under the Plain [19659012] var aisdimasod = false;
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