BURGAS JAM 2 – the second album is really cool! (PHOTOS) – Burgas


If your favorite music is not performed by singers of unique names who steal Serbian songs and write silly Bulgarian texts, but with guitars, drums and pianos, you are very familiar with second album. In rock music, "Second album syndrome" means that it must necessarily be better and more interesting than the beginnings because otherwise the group will go to the trash of history. The BURGAS JAM group is busy with the second edition of the festival. She drew a big second set, which made the few visitors promise to buy the third one at the end. No one, because they were left to watch "Croatia-Russia". They told us about a few dozen people who are really sorry for that. Everyone chooses by himself.


As far as beers, appetizers and other meals are concerned, there will be no mention of the clean and sufficient number of toilets and some field sinks with liquid soap. Housewives – in the background, we are art, right? It will not be correct not to mention the kids who started Gemma in a very nice way – with very acoustic guitars and a voice. We joined Lemon Box – the newest group in Burgas, made up of all the "family" and two old mosquitoes from the Burgas Rock. These people obviously have a lot to remember as a group with their own writing, and as we heard singer Zori a few days ago that they were "more scenic and more commercial", we mean clearly that we are not in agreement.


Rosen Senovski ("Hot Sand") appeared after them, gathered a group for the moment. Stylish personal production ("Song for fathers" especially mumbled), Pinnies Richie Blackmore and David Gilmour. On the other hand, Bourgas guitarist Nikolay Raikov, for a while, as a singer of "Diana Express" a long time ago, starred all-in-one plays and best interpreted the instrumental of Vinnie Moore. After him, Stanislav Yanev "Tsakata" bet on rhythm and blues. Do not be confused with the one on MTV, that's why they call "RNB".


Nicholo Kotzev of "Kikimora" started the list of head-to-head. By reading this, you are the hero at the beginning of the story and it is not necessary to explain to you who is Nikolot Kotsev. Here are the greetings for the new singer of the group Nikola Hristov, who replaced the drunk drunk at the concert Alexander Atanasov in the winter. And the qualities of the new boy shone with the first piece "Mistreated" of Deep Purple. If you do not believe, watch and listen on July 31 at the Summer Theater project "Children In Time". Then we will talk again.


Did you watch Odd Crew in concert? And you think that they are the best Bulgarian extreme metal band? Well, if you had come last night, you would have laughed when the blade Vbadil Parvanovsky came out on the BURGAS JAM stage and hit … a terrible rhythm and a blues. And a swirling version of Jimmy Hendrix's All Along The Wachtower. Then, with a bbadist and a singer, they played some brutally sound tracks, which even sang a bbad solo to Billy Sheen. Before the cool and mega-friendly star Elena Rosberg of Z-Rock, the young musician modestly shared that it was a personal creation.


After him, Slavcho Nikolov of BTR started with "Invisible Walls" of the new hot album and continued with "My Power", again. The pleasant surprise was that he personally sang the songs, in no way worse than the vocal Nasko Penev. Some of the stunned viewers found an immediate response – yet he was the main composer of the group. Which is not clear how much that corresponds to the fact that she can sing well. The puny drum bbad "Stoyan Yankulov-Nikolay Toshev" offered the fans a hard drum fight, and if it was a little shorter it would have been better. Do not expect a description in words of what virtuoso drummers have played.


This was not an end to surprises! Alexander Marinovski of Signal came out with vocal Oggy Tsolov (of Factor Yes, had such a band 100 years ago) and a serious request to play … Joe Bonamasa. That they both did a great job, and have the question "What does" Signal "with Joe Bonamasa have in common?" The answer lies in the basic idea of ​​the creators of BURGAS JAM – to put the famous Bulgarian guitarists and present their favorite and favorite pieces and composers, not what they play under a contract. money. And the voice of Oggi Tsolov is well preserved.


Bisser Ivanov came out with an acoustic guitar and Stundy on a drum. His awesome version of a popular song made some of the craziest spectators palpitating the Bulgarian horo. The next few pieces, played with virtuosity, showed everyone why he is the guitarist who works with pop musician Lili Ivanova. It is recommended to watch several concerts on the mumbled eyebrows. If they still did not like Biser Ivanov, sincere greetings from the elephant standing on their ears. It really does not need long term advertising.


The leader of the evening. With an international band – bbadist and drummer. Gus G. Gus G. Konstantinos Karamitrudis. Born in Thesalonique. He graduated from Berkeley. He invented Firewind. He also starred in Mystic Prophecy, Nightrage, Arch Enemy, Dream Evil. He spent three years at concerts with St. Ozzy Osbourne, at his personal invitation. He had come to Bulgaria several times. One of the best guitarists of our time. I will save you further. Perhaps he only noticed that part of his performance on stage was excellently drawn from that of Zack Wilde, which he replaced by Ozzie. Especially congratulates the audience with a show of hands as soon as it hits an agreement. Not that it's bad.


Ice Gus Jie jumped and made jam. The first piece – "Paranoid" by Black Sabat and the second – by Ingwi Malmstein. Another opportunity for Stefka Emilova from GRAS to show what is a throat with Nikola from Kikimora and Oggi Tsolov. To reach the climax of the evening, everyone on stage, with two or three dozen guitarists of all kinds and ages, hit "Jimmy Hendrix", hey, Joe! You can see the version on the Internet, and somehow undeserved, the Greeks of the group INK appeared. The survivors were left to watch them. And the victims mocked those who preferred to stay at home in front of the TV – "I watched it".


We BURGAS JAM 2 l observed. We are trying to imagine what will be next year. Hmm ….


(Special thanks to Georgi Genchev for the beautiful photos)

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