Business | Britain could have its own spaceport by 2020


  Great Britain can have its own spaceport as early as 2020

© The Perfect Circle PV

The first British spaceport can be launched in 2020 on an isolated peninsula on the north coast of Scotland, a said the BBC today. of BTA. The news arrived at the aerospace exhibition that began today in Farnborough, London, which will last until July 22

The Amman Peninsula in the Scottish county of Sutherland has been chosen as the most appropriate space for launching small satellites into orbit. mainly to monitor the surface of the earth and perform other data collection tasks. The British Space Agency (UKSA) initially granted £ 2.5m (€ 2.83m) for the construction of the Scottish High Yield Company (HIE). Its main partner will be America Lockheed Martin, which will receive a grant from the UK government of £ 23.5m (€ 26.61m).

London will spend a total of £ 33.5m (€ 37.93m) on the project. The UK – based TSSP will invest 2 billion pounds (2.26 billion euros) by 2025 in the development of a fighter plane dubbed Tempus and will be able to both piloted and drone. The UK, hitherto excluded from the Franco-German combat program launched in July 2017, remains open to partnership with other project actors

said Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson

The first case of the Farnborough Forum came from the American Boeing Corporation, which concluded a treaty with Qatar Qatar. rueyz "five aircraft delivery" Boeing "777Ef. The catalog price of the machines is $ 1.7 billion (1.46 billion euros).

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