Cars in the world increased by 48.3 million for half a year


The latest LMC Automotive data shows that 48,293,980 new cars were purchased worldwide in the first half of the year. This represents an increase of 3.5% over the first half of last year.

A powerful "engine" in the automotive sector continues to be China, where 13,794,153 new cars were sold between the beginning of the year and the end of June, either an increase of 4.9% over the same period. Year 2017 In June alone, 2,224,697 units (+ 4.2%) were purchased in the country.

In the first half of the year, new cars from Western Europe accounted for 8,937,298 units (+ 2.1%), while those from Europe 's The East rose 9.5% to 2,135,665 units.

Demand for new pbadenger cars in the United States for the January-June period increased 2.1% to $ 8,605,188, while in Canada, demand for new pbadenger cars declined by 0.5% to reach 1,034,953, according to data from LMC Automotive

The drop in business also registered in Japan – from 1.8% to 2,697,834 units. In Brazil and Argentina, however, sales of new pbadenger cars rose significantly, with a result of 1,603,129 units in the first half, 12.6% above last year's level [1]. 19659006]! t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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