China is open to more negotiations on Qualcomm and NXP ::


<img src = "" alt = "The Chinese market regulator said it was still hoping to find a solution to antitrust issues that failed the acquisition of NXP Semiconductors by Qualcomm for $ 44 billion after declaring earlier that the bid by both companies to overcome the problems was not enough, according to Reuters. [19659002] Qualcomm dropped the deal on Thursday.This would be the largest acquisition in the chip business, but the transaction denial was announced after the deadline that the two companies had given to get the regulator's approval

The State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) today declared that China's concerns regarding the resolution of China's problems were ineffective, but the regulator had hoped to continue to com to communicate with Qualcomm

China's move is probably too late to revive the agreement, which is also at the epicenter of ongoing political battles between Washington and Beijing

After the collapse of the agreement, the two companies announced a big deal buyback of shares, while Qual trade has already paid a fine of $ 2 billion to NXP for terminating the deal [19659002] "The day after the deadline, I think the SAMR statement is intended to counter the badumption that the approval process" The agreement is politicized, not revitalizing " said Andrew Gilholm, chief badyst for China and Northeast Asia at Control Risks.

The failure of the agreement could further aggravate the relations between Washington and Beijing against a background of war. 19659010] Qualcomm – the largest chip maker But SAMR never said a word before the end of the deadline

Today, the regulator said that he was open to continue to negotiate the approval of the agreement. He added that the current agreement will expire on August 15 and that the deadline can be extended until October 14.

Asked about the SAMR statement, the spokesman for Qualcomm pointed out the official end of the agreement. NXP is not immediately available to comment on the subject

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