Christine Lagarde explained the impact of US trade restrictions on the global economy


Washington. US President Donald Trump announced on May 31 that he would introduce additional tariffs for imports of aluminum and steel from Canada, Mexico and the Union. after Washington has not treated them in terms of trade problems. Once recently resolved, albeit temporarily, the trade dispute with China, the United States turned its attention to other countries
In March of this year, Donald Trump announced that he was imposing import duties of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum for a number of countries. . He then made two-month exceptions for the EU, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Argentina, which expire on June 1. After failing to hear on new terms, the exceptions for Canada, Mexico and the EU are down and the import duties on steel and oil are on the rise. aluminum will come into effect on June 1 at 7 am
Affected countries responded quickly
. Mexico announced the introduction of additional equivalent import duties for a number of US products, from steel to lamps and apples. "Mexico deeply regrets and condemns the US decision to impose these tariffs." Mexico has repeatedly stated that such measures are neither appropriate nor warranted, "said a statement from Mexico's Ministry of Finance. # 39; Save.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that EU member states react in a "firm and unified" way to the US decision to impose additional tariffs for the EU. steel and aluminum to European producers. "We want to be exempted from these tariffs, which are inconsistent with the rules of the World Trade Organization," said the German Chancellor.
The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that the European Union would take countermeasures to impose additional duties on imports of aluminum and steel from countries of the Community. "This is a bad day for world trade, so we will immediately take action at the World Trade Organization to resolve the dispute and announce countermeasures in the coming hours." It is extremely unacceptable that State imposes unilateral measures on world trade, "said Juncker in a speech in Brussels.
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudo stated that Canada would respond to the US decision. with the imposition of defensive rights. He called the US arguments "unacceptable" and called it "bad." "Offense" for Canadians who died in combat with the Americans. Before announcing the measures taken by Canada, the source revealed that the Cabinet had held a meeting in the morning to discuss an appropriate response to US tariffs.
French President Emmanuel Macron said that European exports are illegal and constitutes an error that can close the door to negotiations on other issues. He added that he would hold a conversation with Donald Trump on this issue. "The solution is not only illegal but it is wrong in many ways," Macron said, adding that the United States is responding to global imbalances with economic and trade nationalism. "Economic nationalism leads to war," said the French president. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Mer said that his country would not enter into commercial talks with the United States, while the tariffs for aluminum and steel would be higher. Steel are in force. "We refuse to negotiate under pressure." The fact that we are hit by customs will not help us open the door to negotiations, "said the Minister of Finance.
The imposition of import duties has also become a major topic of the G7 finance ministers meeting [1945-19002] in the Canadian city of Whistler. Fears of a trade war have made US Finance Minister Steven Munchin a target for dissatisfaction and complaints from other ministers. "Dealing with the rise of counterproductive nationalism is a key issue that the G7 can not avoid," said former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin at the meeting. The customs issue is also expected to dominate the G7 leaders' meeting next week in Quebec
International Monetary Fund Communications Director Gerry Rice urged states to resolve their disagreements in a constructive way. wars that end only by hurting economies. "Everyone loses in a long-running trade war, so we encourage states to work constructively to reduce trade barriers and resolve trade disputes without taking extraordinary measures," said Rice
. ] called on the EU not to engage in a trade war with the United States. He said his country "did not cancel" a countermeasure or trial in an international court against the United States but called for peace on all sides to avoid a full trade war. "It will be very unfortunate that we come to a trade dispute with our closest allies," said Fox

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