Companies Airlines have filed complaints with the European Commission because of the strikers of the French dispatchers


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Under the wing of Unions

The pilots' strike prevents the major airlines from resolving the IAG (which includes Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia, Vueling and LEVEL), Ryanair, easyJet and Wizz Air have lodged complaints with the Commission European Commission (EC) against France over French strikes air cleaners According to the airlines, air traffic control (ATC) strikes limit the basic principle of freedom of movement within the EU. # 39; Union, as long as they continue, Paris does not allow the operation of flights across the country. The airlines do not dispute the right to strike, but they believe that France violates European law, reports Wizz Air.

The jump of protests

In 2018, the strikes of the French strikers increased by 300% last year. Last month, a report from the French Senate confirmed that the country was responsible for 33% of the delays in European flights. According to the Senate, the right to strike must be weighed against the public service obligation.

The complaints indicate that there is a legal precedent in the present case. In 1997, Spain lodged a complaint with Brussels after years of difficulties in exporting fruit and vegetables to the EU because of French farmers. The European Court condemned France after Paris did not take action against the actions of farmers and did not guarantee the free movement of goods

According to Eurocontrol, more than 16 000 flights were delayed because of the authorities' strikes. for air traffic control, which affected more than 2 million pbadengers

Last summer, Brussels announced that in 2005, there were about 357 air traffic control services strikes in Europe. It has been almost a month since the air traffic in the EU is disrupted


Airlines support the right to strike, but urge France to resolve flights during protests, as this is the case in other EU countries

According to William Walsh, Director General of IAG, the right to strike must be weighed against freedom of movement. He notes that not only customers flying inside and outside France, but also those flying over only France, are affected. This affects all airlines and has a particularly negative impact on Spanish tourism and economy

Ryanair's CEO, Michael O 'Leary, notes in the press release that when planes are beating in Greece and in Italy, flights continue normally. He even takes a more extreme position and baderts that air traffic control services (particularly in Germany and the United Kingdom) are hiding behind excuses such as "adverse weather conditions" and euphemisms as "limited capacity" when the truth is that they do not prepare enough airspeeders to handle the number of scheduled flights. And calls on the governments of Europe and the EC to take urgent measures to ensure that air traffic control bodies have sufficient personnel and that overflight flights are not affected by the strikes national.

Joseph Ward, CEO of Wizz Air, strongly believes that the inability of the French air traffic control authorities to provide a continuous and adequate service has already caused a mbadive disruption of the travel plans of thousands of pbadengers. Europe. According to him, the resolution of this issue should become a priority for the European authorities to ensure that European citizens and businesses stop being held hostage by national problems

The French "contribution" is the largest [19659010] As a result of strikes and obsolete equipment, air traffic control in France is responsible for a third of flight delays in Europe. Between 2004 and 2016, French airlines intercepted 254 days, followed by their colleagues in Greece for 46 days; that in Italy – 37 days and Germany – 4 days, according to a report of the June Finance Committee of Parliament.

Flight delays caused by the air travel air bill are 300 million euros per year. The report points out that France is lagging behind its neighbors, although the state has invested more than 2 billion euros to modernize air traffic control since 2011.

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