The Twitter social network follows the stock market of its biggest rival Facebook, writes Reuters. The company announced its results for the second quarter, which revealed a decline in the number of users on a quarterly basis. This prompted investors to back down and down prices by 15%. The network said the demotion was due to the mbadive friction of automated accounts and spam, as well as accounts that issued hate speech and other offensive content. Purge aims to make the platform more attractive to other users. Twitter, alongside Facebook, is under pressure from regulators in North America and Europe to erase offending content.
The explanation seems unlikely for investors, and less than two days after the collapse of Facebook's share price 20% and a week after another major technological collapse – that of Netflix , Twitter has become another high-tech company that has big trading days
Monthly active users fell to 335 million in the second quarter, against 336 million. during the first. On an annual basis, this represents an increase of 10 million users. A bigger problem, however, is that Twitter expects mbadive purges to continue in the current quarter and at the end of the third, active users are 330 million people. Analysts expect $ 340 million in revenue for consumers regardless
Second-quarter revenue increased 24% year-over-year to $ 711 million and exceeds the expected 696 million dollars by badysts. Twitter commented that the company was big plus the World Cup, which led to $ 30 million in additional advertising revenue. Profit is $ 100 million, of which $ 42 million is due to accounting changes
All of these indicators should be well accepted by investors and badysts, especially since Twitter made a profit for the first time a route in its history six months ago. However, investors show that their interest is entirely focused on future growth rates and not on the current results of technology companies.
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