Countries where the mobile internet is faster than a WiFi connection ::


Graph of the day: country where the mobile Internet is faster than the WiFi connection

Photo: Pixabay

It is logical to badume that good WiFi Internet access points will outperform modern mobile phones, but this is not necessarily true. In some countries, WiFi may be a problem, Engadget transmits.

OpenSignal recently conducted a study that averages mobile data faster than WiFi rates in 33 countries, including several in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.

In some places, the differences are really big. In general, the advance is about 10 Mbps and more in countries such as Australia, Oman and the Czech Republic, and much larger differences in speed are observed in countries such as Austria, Iran and South Africa.

There are many countries where cellular and WiFi connections are very competitive. And it's not surprising that Wi-Fi has a clear advantage in countries where home-based Internet is relatively fast, as in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and the United States. However, LTE provides better content downloads in some places – in Lebanon it is 25 Mbps faster than WiFi.

The results led OpenSignal to the conclusion that users and device makers need to rethink the idea that WiFi is generally better. Although this was true in the early years of smartphones, the LTE era is no longer fully applicable and WiFi already has its own problems, such as overloaded networks.

All of this happens before entering the era of 5G, which will bring much higher speeds.

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