: Court at the Oscars Court of Francis McDormand :: Monitor.bg


Terry Bryant will face the court after becoming the main suspect of the Oscar flight of actress Francis McDormand at the afterparty after the official ceremony. The incident occurred on March 5 and the trial in Los Angeles is scheduled for August 8.

We remember that a few hours after receiving the award from the Academy of Sciences, McDormand (Three billboards outside the city) for short without a statuette. The reason – it was stolen by a fan who was one of the producers of another favorite group of this year's Oscars – "Run!"

The case will be testified by Cesario Tio, who works for the Academy. It was he who was the first to doubt Bryant. In his words, he was walking with one of the photographers when he heard that McDormand's price was missing. Then, next to the past and Bryant, who was talking on the phone at the time: "We did it! We did it!" And later explained that the statuette was the his, because he won it as a producer. Because of suspicion, the photographer sealed the suspect's photo. The photo also shows part of McDormand's name. That same night, the statuette was returned to the actress. She herself did not pretend to hold the thief. However, he was arrested and released a $ 20,000 bond

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