CPC has authorized the acquisition of MegaPark by Lion's Head :: Investor.bg


<img src = "https://www.investor.bg/images/photos/0264/0000264628-article3.jpg" alt = "The Commission for the Protection of Competition (CPC) has authorized the Lion & # 39 Head Investments Property Fund to Acquire 100% of the Megapark Business Center, (19659004) Until now, the owners of the Tsarigradsko shosse boulevard were the Austrian Universit International Realitäten (a 100% owned subsidiary of Unicredit Bank Austria). ) and CA Immo as well as the management company holds 1.5% of the capital.

Megapark has 75,000 square meters of office space and is located next to the mall. Among its tenants are large companies such as PPD, Experian, GlaxoSmithKline, Interoute, Huawei, Strabag, LG Electronics, Hostway, Deichmann

Lion's Head Investments is controlled by the Bulgarian real estate investment AG Capital and the South African Investment Fund in Old Mutual Group properties The company is doing the business mainly because of the favorable investment environment in Bulgaria and the opportunity to acquire qualitative badets in the office space market, it is clear from the decision of the CPC. The company notes that the country's real estate market is recovering from the 2008 financial crisis and offers a good return on investment

Lion's Head Investments, whose survey is entirely composed of office projects, including the office Polygraphy Center "on Tsarigradsko shosse Blvd., plans to focus on acquiring panels of good locations and tenants in the long run.It does not rule out the possibility of investing in commercial areas and logistics sites.

Investments in Romania

In mid-June, Lion's Head entered the office market in Romania with the finalization of the acquisition of the project Oregon Park – three Clbad A office buildings in northern Bucharest.The transaction included the acquisition of the first two buildings and the imminent acquisition of a third building currently under construction. both p Oregon Park's first buildings are fully leased to international tenants such as Oracle, Deloitte, Euler Hermes and Kepler Alten

Transaction is the largest office market in Romania up to now

After the Transactions in Bulgaria and Romania, the portfolio of Lion's Head Investments will include five office buildings with a total area of ​​235 thousand square meters worth 310 million euros [19659009]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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