Cristiano Ronaldo started training with Juve (video) – Italy – European Football


The most expensive purchase of Juventus Cristiano Ronaldo began to train with his new team. The Portuguese did the first training session after his vacation. He was warmly welcomed by his teammates, who also took part in the gym.

Players took part in training for their extended vacation because of their participation in the 2018 World Cup playoff phase. In addition to Ronaldo, the group included Juan Quadrado, Rodrigo Bentankour, Douglas Kosta, Paulo Diballa and Gonzalo Iguain, in Milan.

Welcome, boys! @PaDybala_jr @G_Higuain & @Cristiano @Douglascosta They started their preseason at J | Medical and the JTC today! # 19495004] JuventusFC (@juventusfcen) July 30, 2018

Cristiano transferred to Juventus Real Madrid for 112 million euros. The 33-year-old Portuguese will take 31 million euros per season in Italy

On Wednesday, Juventus will come out of Atlanta against a team of MLS stars during the upcoming season. FB.init ({appId: 176964795710805 & # 39 ;, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});
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