CSKA renews offensive for Nedelev


The CSKA bosses will again try to take the star of Botev Todor Nedelev

The Reds hope to take advantage of the financial turmoil of the Plovdiv team, which they admitted after losing 0 : 1 against Levski coach Nikolay Kirov

In March, the new CSKA captain Nikolay Bodurov and Kiril Despodov even brought the midfielder to a meeting with the Razgrad fan club, where his supporters explained in love and Called to put the red jersey

CSKA will probably not expect the former Monaco striker Lbadina Traore. The high financial demands of the player are the reason why the "red" abandons his signature

Traori went through Cluj, Kuban, Angie, Everton, CSKA (Moscow), Sporting (Gijon) and Monaco, and his last team is the first French Amiens, rented by the "Monegasque". The 204 cm galant is currently free (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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